Game Moose Episode 39
Welcome back, Game Moosers, it's episode 39, and Ryan and Drew are back with all the age-episode number themed jokes. Much to their mutual surprise, Xcom 2 will run on Drew's old-ass laptop. On top of that, some new cool stuff is coming from the New York Toy Fair, in action figure form, and that gets the business from Ryan and Drew. Hey, did you know ninja's can turn into snakes? Well, Ryan tells us how, in Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4, that, and a bunch of surprisingly cool stuff happens to make it a pretty cool game. Finally: what does it mean to be a console exclusive these days, more specifically, an Xbox One exclusive? Is Microsoft betraying it's fan-base by porting an unreleased, previously console exclusive, to Windows 10? Probably not, but listen to find out. It's the Game Mooseiest!
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